I am 100% in support (Remove the FOX)
Thank God for gathering these sponsors that has kept FOX and The Most Honorable Christian, and Most Patriotic American on the Air. I speak of none other than The Honorable and Most Holy Hannity of FOX Brews and their followers. They are tearing our nation apart and revealing to the world the worst of America in the 21st Century---How Sad?
Never before in the history of our beloved nation have anyone seen so much hatred from the REAL FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST and patriots of our republic.
It is far past due for us to stop supporting the damnation of our 44th President of the United States around the world. There is nothing he can do that will make some Americans happy. Even though he is well liked around the world. How Sad? Is it NOT strange? That Black have always voted for White men without this poison being sent into the streets of America and around the world.
Even during slavery, segregation, Jim crow and other hateful movements and people. Blacks never stooped so low as Hannity, Beck, Savage, Armstrong Williams, Pastor Senator of the minority leader, and as many, many more are doing to day. But as it was in the days of old many Americans found themselves as nothing more than tiny footnotes on the pages of American and world history. Even their own children will look at them cross-eyed when they turn their backs.
But we must show forth love towards them and never stoop to their level as their forebears did in the past. We must show ourselves better in the eyes of the world and in the Eyes of our Beloved God. Because these people really need our help but they don’t see it.
I will be mailing this link to my 2200 e-0mail readers. Also visit my blog for more information on those who hate and then find themselves waiting to be judged by the judge of all judges. Thanks for the information and let us support these power boycotts.
Retired United States Military Veteran Vietnam Era Veteran
A concerned and brother of all humanity
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