11. Political Problems in American and beyond!

As the world turns, and people are afraid to speak truth because it may render them as enemies of the state. But we the people must respect and honor those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the few FEEDOMS we have remaining. I write not because I am a writer but because the American people have turned their backs on those who truly loved this country. I am that I am and in the end only truth will win. Therefore sign in before you be required to sign OUT! Peace

Monday, August 21, 2006

Voter nullification must be terminated in America

Dear Editors, concerned Americans, Web Sites etc


The American People need to wake up! When an elected official is voted into public office by the American Voters. They should not be allowed to change political parties without a new election for the political party they wish to move into.

All elected officials should maintain their right to utilize their expertise in any political party they so desire. However, when they no longer serve or represent the party of the people that elected them into office. They should politely RESIGN. And run as a candidate in that particular party’s next election.

Former Georgia Senator Zell Miller, and others should be the last elected officials to claim democratic-party membership, and then leave voters in a less than honorable manner.

Laws must be changed so when voters elect candidates to serve them. That their votes will not be nullified by the actions of any one individual or politician. Our present practice casts a white shadow over our form of government and does not serve the best interests of the American people nor our beloved Republic.

Therefore we the people must demand immediate change to this nullification of voters. Otherwise, America could become the laughing stock of the modern world. We can, and must do better.


A concerned Citizen and Brother of Humanity

Retired Vietnam Era Veteran United States Air Force (Active Duty)

Valdosta, Georgia


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