11. Political Problems in American and beyond!

As the world turns, and people are afraid to speak truth because it may render them as enemies of the state. But we the people must respect and honor those who gave their lives so we can enjoy the few FEEDOMS we have remaining. I write not because I am a writer but because the American people have turned their backs on those who truly loved this country. I am that I am and in the end only truth will win. Therefore sign in before you be required to sign OUT! Peace

Monday, July 17, 2006

Where is General Colin Powell and why is he not speaking!
Posted by George Boston Rhynes on 3/28/2006 02:54:57

    Dear editors, concerned citizens message boards, and beyond!

    Attention! Attention! Have UFO’s landed on earth, and extraterrestrials taken Former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell hostage? Is he still on the planet or has he lost his voice when the American people and the world need a sense of hope, reason, and direction the most?

    He was instrumental in convincing the American people and world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Therefore, he assisted in our invasion and occupation of Iraq wherein over 2,000 of our sons and daughters have perished. And even more injured with missing limbs etc., in a questionable war in which they have served honorably.

    Many Americans respected General Powell for his knowledge, professionalism, dedication, sense of direction, and attention to details.

    Moreover, his glowing knowledge, longevity, and foresight once brightened the night for members of our armed forces. And they proudly accepted and followed his leadership with confidence.

    I believe the General is needed once again to give our nation the necessary thrust needed to bring the American Ship into the homeport safely, with pride, and dignity. If we fail to call on the great minds of today our nation may end up like the former great Soviet Union.

    Before the Islamic world bankrupted their economic base through war, and destroyed that major super power.

    We need General Colin Powell’s skills before America becomes economically ship wrecked on the high seas of history. Without even, a blimp appearing on the world radar screen of economic respectability before our national debt consumes our beloved Republic because of this war in Iraq.

    If America is to be saved from economic disaster it is up to the American people to demand immediate change!

    US Air Force Retired (Active Duty)
    Valdosta, Georgia


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